Friday, June 17, 2011

Indie Author vs Traditional Publishing with Samantha Jillian Bayarr

Samantha’s Rules of Writing:
My first rule of writing is always to set goals. When a new book idea hits me, I set a goal of how long it can reasonably take me to write it. After deciding how long I want the book to be, I do the math and divide the number of words the book will contain by how many words I can reasonably write per day, and the end result is an approximation of the book’s release date. I don’t recommend this method for the faint at heart, because it takes discipline, and determination.  As evidenced by the fact I have written and published eight books in the last ten months.
A second rule to observe would be: if you’re bored or hit a stumbling point, move to the next project. I write several different books at the same time, and often write several chapters in the same book at the same time (this helps to keep your time-lines straight).  I may write in one book for several days straight, then, move to another book as the ideas flow. I don’t know how people can stand to write one book from start to finish. In my mind, I assume that’s what causes writer’s block (something I never get)!
Last, but not least…yield the advice of those that have gone before us. They all say two things:
1. Keep a notebook handy—in case of inspiration.
I have several. I keep one for general ideas and new titles that come to me when I’m busy with something else (or trying to sleep). But the most important notebook I keep is the one that I use WHILE I’m writing. If I’m writing, and an idea to twist the plot occurs to me, I write it down immediately—mostly because I can usually write 5,000 or more words per day, and I don’t want to stop in the middle of a writing jaunt because I usually have to continue writing until my brain is emptied for the day!
2. Throw away your thesaurus.
No one wants to have to keep a dictionary on them when they’re reading your book. I’ve found the best way to gauge this is to write the same way you speak. And unless you make a habit of stopping midsentence to look for a bigger word for what you are trying to convey, you shouldn’t do it with your writing. 
Benefits of being an Indie Author:
I published my first book in August of 2010, and currently have eight books published, with a goal of publishing a minimum of five more before the end of this year. I’ve observed the release of books by fellow authors that are in contract with big publishers, and I see that they publish only ONE to two books per year! That would drive me absolutely mad!
I have several book ideas of different genres in my head at any given time. Being limited to one book per year in one specific genre would not only prohibit my creativity, but would slow my career to a pace I could never tolerate. As an Indie Author, you can go at your own pace, and the sky is literally the limit if you go this route.


Christine Murray said...

I can understand writing books so fast, but you must also be a fast editor so I, my friend, am in awe of you. Great post!pr

Samantha Bayarr said...

Thanks so much, Christine! It's nice to know that my efforts don't go unnoticed. I actually have two really wonderful people who edit for me, so I'm very lucky in that respect.

Kristian Alva said...

Hi Samantha; thanks for your message on Book Blogs. I am now following you. I really like your blog design, by the way. It looks like a beautiful Victorian card.

Lanie Leigh said...

Absolutely Brilliant. I'm currently organizing three novel series projects in notes between research & improv writing. All while studying a Fiction Writing series. Multitasking for the win! You're absolutely right. It does help with writer's block, I find. When the fog rolls in on a certain scene I'm devising, I play hopskotch on my textbooks & mid-notes I'm back to epiphany mode. LOL Keep up the inspirational confirmation Blog pieces. ~.^

J. S. said...

Hello, and thanks for this post. I'd always wondered about indie vs. traditional publishing, and I didn't realize indie authors could churn out books at that rate! It sounds very gratifying to be able to set your own pace for your work :)

Horse and Carriage

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